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Automated Testing is a core activity of any agile development methodology. As we move towards continuous deployment, test automation becomes ever more important due to the quick feedback response that it provides to the development team about the health of the application.

The Purpose of Testing 


  • First of all – Why we need testing ! We need development “That Pays”

  • Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

  • Testing is the only way to approve that something is really done from an end customer’s perspective.

  • Development = Coding +Testing, “We are building quality in “

  • A testing mindset is a team mindset, “No more Us vs. Them.“ - whole team approach with collective testing ownership.

By integrating agile testing into the development process, organizations will see quicker time to  market and overall improvement in product quality.

Agile adoption cannot just stop at one aspect of program creation, it must extend to other functions like testing.  Many organizations are making the mistake of falling into approaches that are mini-waterfall cycles, and are leaving testing until after code is completed under the belief that it will allow developers to work faster

How to Optimize Regression Testing in Agile Development

TDD & BDD are software development techniques that can be used in any methodology although aspects of all three are often part of a team's agile approach.

  • TDD is Test-Driven Development: the idea is that unit tests are written first, then enough code is written to make the tests pass. The pure TDD cycle is to write one failing unit test, then enough code to pass the test. Then a second failing unit test, then enough new code to pass both tests. And so forth.

  • BDD is Behavior-Driven Development: this technique operates at a slightly higher level than TDD while still following the basic principle of writing the test, then coding to pass the test. BDD is usually the lowest level that will use the Given-When-Then pattern to describe the test (e.g. "Given that I have logged in, When I click the My Orders link Then I will be directed to the Order List page").

Why is it difficult to implement Test Driven Development?

Behaviour Driven Development – “Outside In testing to prevent bugs”

Traditional Approach vs BDD Approach

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